Awaken Opportunities

A year that began with so much promise quickly collapsed as the world came to grips with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the disparity and loss that has been felt the world over, we are pleased to report that we have taken one resounding positive from this year and that is RELATIONSHIPS. When we reflect on 2020, what stands out the most are the incredible people we have met and worked with. There are extraordinary NGO's and business's out there and phenomenal individuals who make this world a better place.

COVID left many of our children demotivated, anxious and depressed, and it was only in Level 1, when activities slowly began to resume that we saw spirits begin to lift. The VUSA sport and recreational programmes undoubtedly impact the emotional and mental wellbeing of our beneficiaries. Participation in group recreation provides a sense of value, belonging and attachment. An anxious, depressed child cannot function optimally in the classroom, on the sports field or in society at large.

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